Saturday, July 7, 2012

Been Awhile

Well, I haven't wrote on here for quite some time. Alot of things have happened since my last entry. I will catch up soon, so much to say even if they won't be super exciting or intelligent. Blah blabbity blah. I still stay up too late, I still act like a buffoon and I still have no clear and decisive "plan" yet. Soon, soon.

Thursday, March 29, 2012

Generation Why Not?

I have been life lazy lately. Not giving a rat-ass about saving for the future, not saving for the next career move and not saving of paying down current debts. I don't know, sometimes you just don't give a fuck. Sometimes you want to sleep for almost a whole month and sometimes you just want to not give a flying ratty f*ck! I will come out of it, soon, summer is coming soon and I always come out of it. This has happened before. Sometimes you just don't give a fuck, eat 40 timbits, watch a million youtube videos and I don't want to think about the mortgage I should have, the pay I should have at my age, the wife and 2.1 children I should have had. Sorry I was too busy travelling, sorry I was too busy partying and acting way younger than I actually am and dressing way younger than I actually am and no I am in no rush to join the piggly consumer system and get a house and a car and a truck and a boat and a ski-doo and raise fat kids who boss me around and never do anything BUT watch TV and drive them around in an RV while they play video games and eat drive-through food. I can delay all that shit and be self-indulgent for another half decade, thank you very much. I already have for a decade and a half, why not another half decade?

Monday, October 31, 2011

A Canadian's Standpoint on American Dreams

Well, the great idle majority seems to have awoken and got off their asses and took to the streets to fight corporate greed and the culture of turning blind eyes to white collar piggery. Can their battle survive the cold winter months? During the entire two terms of the Bush presidency us Canadians were wondering how long the American population would watch their nation be flushed down the can and their economy sold off to Asian countries for cheaper labor and lax environmental policies. As a Canadian I am worried about the American Collapse, in some ways I feel the American population is no longer capable to make decisions in any capacity to properly govern their nation. The Republican Party knows that almost 50% of the states will vote Republican almost as a religion into itself and the Republican Party seems to have taken a nosedive into utter ignorance, stupidity and total blind faith to the upper class almost to a level of supporting a elite caste system. Their maniacal belief that this upper class must remain un-taxed is highly unpatriotic and almost bordering on treason. How can these elites live under the protection of the United States military but pay nothing to support it? Isn't that sort of free-loading on an epic scale? Isn't that free-loading treason?

Monday, October 25, 2010

I Remember

I never really thought about before how truly unique a place Fort Smith, the place of my birth really is. On a normal day you could walk down to the Rocks and watch the pelicans feed, maybe some rockpops, get back up the hill, go fishing, go see a herd of bison, visit a colony of snakes, go to Pine Lake and go for some lake fun or get on Fort Smith's own world class kayaking whitewater and brave the Rapids of the Drowned. There's mudbeaches, claybeaches, sandbeaches, tons of forest and the Wood Bison National Park to check while mountainbiking or just strolling around in the short but hot summer. I've seen +40 back home in the summer a few times. I used to just like watching and listening to the rapids. They're like a roar I haven't really heard elsewhere yet and you don't realize how strong it really is till you haven't seen it in awhile. This one biddy of ours A would take us boating and it was the bomb out at the cabins. Just basking in the sun, floating around in a tub, going tubing, or K's cabin. Haha. Good times. Pedalboating around like we owned the place. One time there was an anthrax outbreak in the bison herd and we still went to Pine Lake and they were burning bison bodies across the river. We called it the anthrax party. Or the arcade, Conibear Park and the riverview boardwalk. One time when I was a kid at school my dad was working nights then and sleeping at the time and a bear tried to break into the sliding glass backdoor! Good thing my dad was packing. Or I was biking on the highway this one time and a beaver came out of a culvert, gave me a disgusted look and jumped back into the culvert. I swear that beaver had a contemptious look. I remember one time as a kid driving with my dad and a flock of wild chickens ran out into the road and we ran over a few of them by accident and so did the other oncoming truck, haha. One time traffic had to be swerve because a porcupine decided to walk straight down main drag for awhile like he owned the place. There was this huge ditch that was like a mini lake that we'd put styrafoam stuffed pallets into the water and ride them and push ourselves around like makeshift canoes and one time someone fell into the water and it was May so it was still in the minuses at night. Man that guy was cold. One time a bat was flying around in my buddies house so he grabbed a tennis racket and swatted it right out of the air. We used to jump off my buddies lofts onto the couches like wannabe stuntmen. In the summer there the trees glow a brigt green, green everywhere. Infinite skies that shoot out color and contrast. I remember great campfires too, those smores. Haha. I remember these guys I knew way back built the craziest system of treeforts that were more like treecabins with multilevels and connected to the other treecabins.

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Self Realization

I'm beginning to realize that in my time I have talked alot of shit, talked a big game and said so many things over the years I have no idea what it adds up to. What I now know is is that without taking responsibility for the direction of my own life, what good are all these big ideas? What good is a bunch of big talk without the action to back it up? Sooner or later people realize their own hollowness and see room for self improvement. All the excuses in the world can't take away failure or self destruction and accomplishment can't be taken away either. Sometimes life humbles you but for the better, sometimes you humble yourself by letting your weaknesses defeat your strengths. No one ever hears about the good you do, strangers only hear about the bad. We all have our weaknesses, it's how you deal with them that make you stand out in life. I don't want anymore excuses from myself to myself anymore, that's bunk and lame and ridiculous. I am thankful for all my friends, family and anyone else who has given me the love and support over the years and now that I think of it they deserve a better me, a me that is more intune with myself than worrying about what others think. Time for a new outlook. Cheers.

Friday, May 28, 2010

The Things I Want The Most

In the future all I want is hard working, resourceful, appreciative, self-sufficient children raised to be atheletic, musically talented and electronically inclined with networking skills off the charts. I don't want to raise obese, skilless, overly dependent, emotionally stunted piles of jello with no self esteem. Why do so many parents today raise infants to be children who turn thirty and are still not able to move out of the basement? I want to raise children to be adults who are out of the house by eighteen so the wife and I can enjoy the whole house to ourselves again and again. Is that so bad? I would like to see the helicopter parenting trend go the way of the dodo bird. I wonder if its just a social experiment of modern parents or if its here to stay and be the current standard of parenting? If it is I truly fear for the future of our country. If not, then no fear! : )

Friday, May 21, 2010

Round For The Boys

If it's good enough........
You know we're built tough..........
And we're out for you......
Round for the boys....
Yeah we die in wars....
Drink in bars.....
And crash big cars......
It was all for you.........
Round for the boys....
Just to see that smile........
See that grin.....
Makes it worth it........
Again and again.....
I've made a fool of myself....
Ruined my health.....
In front of this whole town......
I spiraled down......
When I stole that car.....
And drove it to that bar....
Now you're mad at me....
Round for the boys.......
And I had those pills.....
Chased those thrills.........
Paid that bill.....
So what.....
Yeah we're the boys........
We got the toys....
And make the noise.......
And it's was all for you..........
Just to see that smile.....
See that grin.......
Makes it worth it...............
Round for the boys.......
And we drew the maps .....
Set those traps .....
Take lots of crap but .....
Always want more ....
When the going gets rough ...
You know we'll get tough ...
You can count on me ...
For you .....
Yeah we're the boys........
We got the toys....
And make the noise.......
And it's was all for you..........
Just to see that smile.....
See that grin.......
Makes it worth it...............
Round for the boys.......